

 Kybella (Deoxycholic acid) is the first FDA approved injectable treatment to destroy fat under the chin. It is an alternative to procedures such as liposuction. Kybella is well tolerated, and minimally invasive.

How does Kybella work? 

Kybella is synthetic version of deoxycholic acid. Deoxycholic acid is a naturally occurring salt in the body that helps in the breakdown and absorption of fat. When Kybella is injected into the fat under the chin, it destroys the fat cells and results in a noticeable fat loss and reduction in fullness under the chin. Once the fat cells in your double chin are destroyed, they disappear forever. You shall see the results 4-6 weeks after the treatment. 

What part of the body Kybella can be injected? 

 Kybella® is approved for use on double chins. Because Kybella has been shown to be most effective on small sections of fat, it is not a feasible option for treating issues like love handles or muffin tops, though the FDA is researching its potential benefits for these areas.

How long does the result from Kybella last? 

Once Kybella destroys the fat cells, they are gone. In the clinical trials used by the FDA, even patients who experienced weight gain after receiving Kybella did not see the return of their double chins. Regardless, you should maintain a healthy weight to maximize the results.

Who should not receive KYBELLA?

You might not be a good candidate if you have had, or plan to have facial surgery, if you are pregnant or nursing, if you have trouble swallowing, or have an infection or medical condition in or near the planned injection site.
Preparing for Kybella
As a nonsurgical procedure, there is little preparation required for Kybella. You should schedule the procedure well before any major events. Washing your face properly before the appointment can help reduce the risk of infection, and avoiding NSAIDS such as ibuprofen can prevent post-treatment bruising.

What are the possible side effects of Kybella?  

Even though Kybella is nonsurgical, the most common side effects include redness, bruising, swelling and discomfort following the procedure. Serious side effects are quite rare but may include facial weakness, and trouble swallowing. In clinical trials, most patients described simply feeling “tender” after the treatment. Ice and over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medications can be used to effectively reduce pain and swelling. The recovery is minimal in most cases, and minor side effects typically subside in one to two weeks. 

Does Kybella Hurt? 

 Comfort levels vary patient to patient. If you feel you may be sensitive to injections, you can have your submental area numbed to reduce discomfort. In clinical trials, pain and swelling decreased over subsequent sessions. Pain and swelling can be managed by oral analgesics, topical anesthetics, injectable anesthetics, and ice. If you do not wish to have injection, you may consider Lipo Light with Therma lift as an alternative treatment. 


What to Expect before and during the procedure? 

Before the procedure, your practitioner marks the injection sites and may administer a topical numbing agent to ease any pain or discomfort. Then your practitioner uses micro needle to inject Kybella in the area previously marked. The entire sessions last about 15 minutes. 

Before the procedure, your practitioner marks the injection sites and may administer a topical numbing agent to ease any pain or discomfort. Then your practitioner uses micro needle to inject Kybella in the area previously marked. The entire sessions last about 15 minutes. Visit our contact page to make an appointment for the most effective double-chin treatment.
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